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After more than a decade as co-owner of Freed Bodyworks Holistic Wellness Center, Frances is contently in private practice in Silver Spring, Maryland. They have continued their mission-driven services specializing in serving gender-diverse clients, clients who’ve experienced weight-based stigma, and survivors of trauma. 

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Frances Reed providing massage therapy for a client
Frances Reed at work providing bodywork

Frances Reed, LMT

Frances uses a combination of the following in their bodywork practice:
Structural Integration
Scar tissue release
Myofascial massage
Deep Tissue
Trauma-informed bodywork
Transition-related bodywork
Trigger point massage

A word from Frances on their bodywork practice:

Our bodies reflect the lives we live and the bodywork I do centers around what I believe are the main sources of pain in the body: postural misalignments, unresolved scar tissue, and emotional and physical trauma to the body. My main objective is to support clients in the journey of releasing the things that do not serve them. I use structural integration-informed myofascial release which addresses full-body postural misalignment resulting in dramatic reduction of chronic pain and acute injury. Scar tissue release frees up residual scar tissue left behind by surgery or injury often impeding range of motion and/or causing pain. 

My work is trauma-informed which means that you are in charge. We will discuss the treatment plan and we won't proceed until you are comfortable. I have a deep reverence for the wisdom you hold in your body and we will always adapt and modify bodywork to honor it. I believe that bodywork is a collaborative process combining my skills to affect change in the body from the outside and your indispensable ability to sense your nervous system's response to my touch. I welcome people with complex relationships to touch and those who are looking to explore re-connecting with their bodies during and after traumatic physical or emotional experiences. 
- Frances Reed
Close up of Frances Reed providing massage therapy on client's arm
Frances Reed providing massage therapy focused on chest binding

Chest Binding and Top Surgery

Frances uses structural integration-informed myofascial release techniques to address pain and discomfort from chest binding. This type of bodywork can address the mild discomfort, severe pain, constriction, and postural patterns that develop from hiding one's chest in a 'dysphoria hunch' and/or binding chest tissue.

Frances assists gender diverse people getting top surgery with pre- and post- surgery massage, using myofascial techniques, techniques to increase circulation and lymph flow, and scar tissue release to assist people in getting the results of healthy scarring and maximum range of motion.

Frances also provides pre- and post-surgical support for a range of gender-affirming surgeries including FFS, FMS, body contouring, and bottom surgery.

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